• 星際探索 典藏套裝組

    MAR-X MX 24"火星箱+PANZER 520i 戰術背包

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  • PANZER 520i戰術背包 (贈防水雨套)

    香港 / 台灣 / 新加坡 / 泰國 免運直送!

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  • 限量玫瑰金獨享85折


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  • MAR-X MX 24" 獨創「內寬外窄」太空級鎂合金框架,箱體上下兩端特製雙提把手,輕易提搬。

    Aerospace-grade magnesium alloy frame. Dual grips enable to move and carry the case in a horizontal way practically.
  • PANZER 520i 戰術背包採用美國杜邦CORDURA® 1200D軍規級高強度尼龍布料,MOLLE系統靈活掛載配件裝備,RECCO搜救感應裝置提供額外安全保障!

    PANZER 520i Rucksack built from ultra-durable 1200D CORDURA®. The MOLLE system allows the flexibility of loading accessories and gear, equipped with RECCO searching device for additional security on your explorations.
  • MAR-X MX 20" 加大登機箱採用日本汽車工業金屬貼膜及烤漆雙層處理

    MAR-X MX 20" An over sized carry on, Polycarbonate shells laminated of an aluminum-magnesium alloy metal foil, a high-end auto specialised material imported from Japan
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MAR-X 火星系列

Mendoza「 MAR-X火星系列」 設計概念源自人類未來登陸火星的嚮往,箱體採用德國 Makrolon® 100% PC輕量材質,獨創「內寬外窄」太空級鎂合金框架,並於上下兩端特製雙提手把,輕易提搬 !MAR-X MX箱殼採用高科技鋁鎂合金金屬貼膜及鏡面烤漆塗膜等雙層處理,並於箱體崁入象徵軍工風格的六角鉚釘,完美呈現Mendoza一貫以來的專屬型格識別 ! Mendoza MAR-X seeks to inspire voyagers to set their sights beyond the horizon and look to the final frontier. Daring and nonconformist, it embodies the endless possibilities of space travel.  It rocks 3 original design factors: an innovative 3D case, smart mobility features & creative structures.

【Mendoza全球限量珍藏版】MAR-X MX 20" / Rose Gold