
  1. MAR-X MX 20”加大登機箱,為一般國際商用航班登機及美國內陸機行李箱尺寸,最終需依您所搭乘航空公司的最新手提登機行李規範而定,建議搭機前可先至航空公司官網查詢。如欲搭乘廉航登機使用,請購買20吋以下的其他款登機箱標準通用尺寸(例如PANZER Z系列/CREW-H系列/SEAHAWK LITE),歡迎來信或來訊洽詢客服。
  2. 本活動商品皆為「現貨提供」,並由香港總公司統一出貨,恕不提供實體店鋪鑑賞與取貨服務。
  3. 本網站所列商品價格皆以港幣計價。香港訂購享免運優惠並由專人送貨到府;台灣及新加坡訂購享跨境免運優惠但不包含可能產生的關稅及相關稅項;其他海外購物恕不包含運費及可能產生的關稅和相關稅項,如欲訂購請聯繫客服。
  4. 本公司商品出貨前一律經過嚴格品質控管及檢查,避免顧客收到瑕疵或錯誤商品,敬請安心訂購。
  5. 本公司出貨後恕不接受個人因素之退換貨要求,亦不適用各地鑑賞期規定,請於結帳前確認清楚所需之商品資訊。
  6. 當商品送達後,請先確認「商品有無瑕疵」、「與訂單內容是否相符」,若收到疑似瑕疵或錯誤商品,請於簽收包裹隔日起7日內聯繫客服信箱 info@mendoza-bag.com ,並請提供「訂購人姓名/手機號碼/訂單編號/問題細部清晰照片」,本公司客服專員將於上班時間依序回覆,懇請耐心等候。
  7. 凡需退換的商品必須為全新且未被使用,並需連同所有原本完整無損的包裝、配件、贈品及購物單據等一併退回,且運費自付;如商品未依照在線客服提供的指示及方法辦理退換手續,本公司保留拒絕退換之權利。
  8. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。

【Terms & Conditions】

The oversized Carry-On was designed to fit in the overhead bins of major international and US domestic airlines.  However, if you plan on flying on a smaller plane, budget airlines or more regional airlines, we'd recommend the standard Carry-On, such as PANZER Z, CREW-H and SEAHAWK III. 

Please consult your airline for more carry-on size and weight restrictions which might vary from the ticket you purchased. 

The products will be sent after your payment is settled and confirmed by your bank. The shipment is to depart from our office in Kwai Chung, Hong Kong. We regret to inform that said products cannot be picked up from any in-person outlet. The listed prices are in Hong Kong Dollars.

The orders delivered/couriered within Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore enjoy free shipping/delivery. However we do not deliver to any islands, airport or ferry/cargo terminals.  For any orders from other cities, an international shipping fee would be charged separately.  Please contact info@mendoza-bag.com in advance for a quote before placing your order. 

Please be aware that shipping service does not include international customs or duties. All applicable taxes and duties will be the customer’s responsibility and are due to the carrier/the local Customs.  Please contact the customs office in your destination country for information about any applicable duties or taxes.   Once the order is placed, it is final. We will not accept any refund or replacement of the product, even if the goods are lost or damaged in transit, we will not arrange any refund.  If you accidentally are to receive a faulty or incorrect product, please contact us at info@mendoza-bag.com no later than 7 days from the date the product is delivered. Our customer service agent will contact you for details. Should an exchange be eligible, a replacement will be delivered and the original product should be brand new and unused in any manner to return.  The purchase receipt, accessories and gift are compulsory to be enclosed. The shipping fee for returned goods will be absorbed by the purchaser.  

If any disputes are occurred, we reserve all rights.